How to get rid of baby acne?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
What is Baby Acne?,How to get rid of baby acne?
Yes, it could. Baby acne is very universal. It can be present at birth, but more often it shows up after a couple of weeks, more often than not on the cheeks and from time to time on the forehead, chin, and even the back.
My baby has pimples on his chin
These little whiteheads might be bordered by reddish skin. They can happen to more pronounced when your baby is hot or picky or if his skin is irritated by saliva, spit-up milk, or fabric that's a little rough or that's been washed in strong detergent.Baby Acne
In passing, if your baby had tiny bumps on his face at birth that moved out within a few weeks, these are called milia and they're not related to acne. If the annoyance looks more rashy or scaly than spotty or it appears elsewhere on his body, your baby may have one more condition, such as cradle cap or eczema.
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