Newborn Baby dandruff treatment
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Newborn Baby dandruff treatment
Hello dear friends here you will get How to Treat Dandruff in Children? or Newborn Baby dandruff treatment. And you also more get Well-Baby Care Guide info.Dandruff is common both in adults and children, but as per the experts and researchers, the chances of occurrence of dandruff increase many fold at the age of puberty. This problem thrives during the time when the person is in adulthood and shows sign of declining as one grows older. The cells of the skin by the natural process continue to change with the upper layer shedding to give room for new cells.
Similarly skin cells on the scalp are shedding. In normal cases, the process of shedding of skin cells is not visible to the human eye but when there is excessive shedding, most likely due to fungal action, the process becomes visible with the human eye and you can notice gray flakes appearing on the scalp of the child. In many cases they do fall off from the head of the child.
Though dandruff is not contagious and cannot spread from mother to child but care should be taken that in case the mother has dandruff, the flakes should not fall on the head of the child. Sometimes dandruff could cause itching on the scalp of the child and the child may scratch and convert it into wounds. If the child scratches her head you should also check her head for lice infestation.
What causes baby dandruff?
Even though it hasn't been proven what really causes the baby dandruff that is cradle cap, it is possible that it could be related to hormonal changes that the baby experiences later than birth.
The Mayo Clinic has said that mother's hormones may pass from the mother to the baby before birth and could possibly cause an abnormal production of sebum (the oil secretion of the sebaceous glands), in the oil glands and hair follicles could possibly be a contributing factor. Another reason could possibly be malassezia, which is a yeast fungus that grows in the sebum along with bacteria.
How to prevent baby dandruff?

Whenever you very first notice baby dandruff on your newborn baby's head, begin treating it right away to support manage the baby dandruff just before it worsens.
Dandruff is often a favorite dilemma that may be characterized by shedding white flakes of dead skin and sometimes an itchy scalp. It affects males additional often than females, and though it can seem on men and women of all ages, it's often noticed in teenagers, as hormonal changes and oily skin and hair can contribute towards condition, explains the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. In most cases, dandruff is effortlessly treatable at home. However, a doctor need to verify your baby being certain there just isn't one more condition including eczema, psoriasis, ringworm or a fungal infection affecting his scalp. Here are 7 steps for baby dandruff treatment.
Step 1 : Shampoo your child's hair each day. This alone can treat some mild cases of dandruff, says the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Use a hypoallergenic shampoo with no dyes or perfumes, as these can be responsible for dandruff or further aggravate the scalp's skin.
Step 2 : Prevent your baby from utilizing hairstyling products, for instance sprays, mousses, gels and waxes. These solutions can make the hair far oilier and contribute to dandruff.
Step 3 : Buy a medicated shampoo formulated for dandruff manages if normal shampoos don't work. Look for those people produced with salicylic acid, pyrithione zinc, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole or tar.
Step 4 : Massage your child's scalp daily with medicated shampoo for a full Five minutes. Be careful not to scratch the skin. Rinse the shampoo out thoroughly.
Step 5 : Cut back over a use of medicated shampoo from daily to a couple of or three times a week as soon as dandruff is under control. Continue to shampoo your child's hair and scalp daily, though, alternating having a non-medicated shampoo. This helps preserve the effectiveness on the active ingredient from the medicated product.
Step 6 : Limit the sugar and yeast inside your child's diet, as reduced consumption can support treat dandruff, says the Miltion S. Hershey Medical Center.
Step 7: Send your baby outside for about half an hour a day when possible. The sun's ultraviolet radiation need to support manage the condition. Apply sunblock to little ones just before they spend time from the sun, though.
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